

I have been eagerly waiting for SPRING all winter, and I found it necessary to document the spring blossoms before they fade away.

Here is a photograph that I took on Sunday, before the frost we had.  My hands were frozen, but I was determined!

I shot this on aperture priority with my 35mm lens on my old Nikon DSLR.  I’ll be posting more soon 🙂


Well now

Do you dare?

To see the pattern of everything

and lay it bare

to follow and look beneath the illusion

an illusion of care

the anger of recklessness

beyond repair

we’ve dated ourselves in our daily lives

beyond the years

looking at these patterns

behind the fears

looking closely, closer still

patterns cyclical in nature

patterns cyclical in you

remembering and watching

and looking closer still

revealing the flaws…

©西平・ナンシー 2012年